The Profit
1 min readOct 15, 2022

One of the most controversial topics of our day is sex and religion. I can’t think of anything more that has caused more sexual frustration than trying to mix sexual wellness with religious dogma. Even the clergy of many religious groups have not been immune to this. Too many times have the clergy been exposed by the media for sexual misconduct. How is it that the clergy themselves have failed to find balance within the two? Perhaps it may be time to reexamine the belief system that is taught in religious circles and ask some very tough questions.

  1. Is the system working?
  2. Does it need to be reformed?
  3. Does the government need to be involved?
  4. Where does the line need to be drawn between liberty and abuse?
  5. Can a compromise be reached by the various parties that don’t agree with each other's points of view?

These are some tough questions that need to be answered. However, it must be acknowledged that one answer might not be satisfactory to all individuals. Perhaps maybe it might come down to learning how to disagree without being disagreeable. Whatever the case may be, this has to be worked out on an individual basis.



The Profit

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